由於昨天傳出Apple將發佈 iOS4.3.1來防堵駭客們破解的消息,根據最新來自Chronic Dev Team的消息,看來可能需要更多時間才會推出iOS4.3的越獄工具,甚至可能不推出。還是他們發展出比越獄更強的方法呢?下面是他們的博文:
Greetings and welcome to the official Greenpois0n blog by Chronic Dev Team.As time progresses, new firmwares and devices come and go but our work on the Greenpois0n framework continues with many interesting things planned.
We, as always, look forward to an interesting year filled with challenges. Apples new iPad2 and the soon to be released iPhone5 will undoubtedly deliver the inevitable challenges that we thrive on. As milestones are reached and greenpois0n builds are updated we will share it with you here.
We hope you enjoy the blog and remember if you have any questions, or just want to hangout with some cool people, you are always welcome to join us on our IRC server at irc.chronic-dev.org 6667 #greenpois0n
EDIT 3-19-11: Please stop asking about release dates for 4.3 support, we have not announced any, and have no plans to announce any. thank you.
歡迎瀏覽Chronic Dev Team建立的Greenpois0n官方博客。隨著時間的推移,新的軟件和設備不斷更新,但我們對Greenpois0n的研究仍然會伴隨著許多計劃來進行有趣的事情。
我們將一如既往,期待有趣且充滿挑戰的一年。蘋果新的iPad 2,以及很快就會發布iPhone 5無疑將不可避免的挑戰我們已蓬勃發展的工作。一旦到達了新的里程碑以及Greenpois0n有版本更新時,我們將分享在這裡讓你知道。我們希望你享受這個博客,請停止詢問4.3JB工具的發佈時間,我們目前還沒發布,而且沒有任何計劃發布任何東西。謝謝!
在綠毒宣布暫停發佈 ios 4.3越獄工具後,我們只能把期待放在其他破解團隊的工具上!
根據JB部落在前幾天利用冰雪成功不完美越獄 ios4.3後發現,其實目前很多越獄軟體都還沒有支援到4.3版本,
前些日子已經幫客戶的 iphone 4 (ios 4.3) 降轉越獄成功,
目前有些 iphone 3GS 4 / iPad / iTouch 是可以降轉版本到 ios 4.2.1 後再越獄,
如果您有需要這項服務歡迎到『 iPhone / iPad 越獄計劃 』察看或跟我們連絡!